Here we go again!

If you are positioned in the right space, headed towards your revealed purpose, or crushing it in your career, that exclamation point in my header represents the excitement of starting a new week!!! However, if you live a life you've settled upon, that exclamation point means something totally different. And hey, no judgments here. I spent years in Corporate America in an executive role that I hated until the pain of staying outweighed the risk of trying something new.

I resigned to do something I loved.

I was getting paid six figures, was a top executive, knew where the proverbial bodies were buried, and I just up and left one day. I felt swallowed by politics, microaggressions, and corporate stuff, so I decided that reality was not my childhood dream.

I resigned, went to portfolio school, lived on my savings for two years while supporting my family, and scored a barely five-figure salary interning at one of the top advertising agencies in the world. I didn't realize the magnitude of this decision until I had dinner last night with former colleagues turned dearest friends, who reminded me of this

Always choose your dreams!

I thought I was just surviving, rescuing my childhood dreams, and refusing to settle for something I knew did not serve me. I humbly didn't believe it was doing anything special. It was hard and still is. But I asked myself how I could waste something as valuable as time doing something I didn't love? And I am not saying do what I did. Just ask yourself the same question. Each human journey is different. But don't be unhappy when you don't have to be. Somethings we can choose. And when you can...always choose your dreams.


Live Inspired: Season 4, ep.5 Orion Jean


Encourage Yourself