I’m Back! We’re Back!
I was worried there for a minute ya’ll. I thought I had lost my connection to that spark that always kept me curious. So I took a hiatus from my podcast and searched for it. I spent time with friends and family, went to the movies, read some books, and volunteered. I got a new job…Creative Director baby... joined the gym, lost 10 pounds, and took a break from social media for a while.
You can still function at a high level, or I can ( I have to) even when things feel “off”. I was winning awards and producing good work but still looking for something. And thank goodness I found it. I was looking for courage. For the last few months, I have had a lot of stuff going on. I had my wallet stolen, my bank account frozen, and many other things that I’d rather keep personal for now. I felt that life was trying to break me down. And it did…in a good way. Although things around me were falling apart, I dared to be at peace. Yes, I decided to stop worrying and let go.
It was not easy. I kept thinking I was crazy because I thought I should be doing something. That I should panic. And I did in the beginning until I realized nothing changed. And when I tried to control what I couldn’t control, things got worst. So I stopped. I rested. I let go of worry. I rested in my faith. And I am here, I am back and I am whole.
I am tapping new episodes of Live Inspired that will be coming to you in October. Until then…I hope you live in wonder. Live in awe. And live inspired.