Live in wonder. Live in Awe. Live inspired.
Live Inspired: Season 5, ep.1, Salehe Bembury
There are ups and downs to every career. But Salehe Bembury’s “downs” have been iconic springboards that lead to his Big Ups.
Let’s Hygge
Don’t let the cold get to you. FInd ways to warm up this winter.
I’m Back! We’re Back!
“Sometimes when you are in a dark place and think you are being buried, maybe you are being planted.” - Unknown
What Writer’s Block?
A blank sheet of paper is the most intimidating thing to an artist. But writer’s block or any artistic block is just a part of the process.
Pay It Forward
"There are friends and there is family and there are friends who become family." - Unknown
I Don’t Like Parties
Set yourself free from anxiety by honoring yourself. It’s parties for me; what is it for you?
Inspiration is a Hunter!
The Live Inspired Talk Show will be back in July! In the meantime stay curious!.
Make Time For Change
It’s your move. If you are feeling like it is time for a change, you are probably right.
You Are More
You are more than what they want to admit.
Spring Flinging with InkBox!
Since short sleeves, flowy skirts, cute shorts and comfy sandals will put our bodies on full display, maybe it’s time for some body art you don’t have to commit to!
Get your mind out the gutter.
Sometimes to live clean we have to THINK DIRTY.
You can never hurt me.
When the going gets tough, stay on mission.
Live Inspired: Season 4, ep. 6 Marrisa Wilson
Marrisa Wilson brought her cultural clout to the runaway and New York Fashion Week will never be the same.
It’s the small things…
Something as simple as adding essentials oils to your hair care routine can make a difference.
Live Inspired: Season 4, ep.5 Orion Jean
There is no such thing as a small act when love is involved; even if you yourself are small.
Here we go again!
Your dreams are worth fighting for.
Encourage Yourself
Sometimes you just have to encourage yourself!
Live Inspired : Season4, ep.4 Damien Escobar
Learned how to play the violin at age 8. Went to Juilliard at age 10 and graduated at age 12 making him the youngest to graduate from Juilliard ever. See how Damien Escobar is changing the landscape of classical music by adding some flavor.
Evolve or Die
It’s okay to change the way you do things.
Divine From The Start
Happy Friday and Happy Black History 365! Friday always feels like a holiday.